
Sunday Single Girl's Guide to Entertaining #3

Sunday Single Girl's Guide to Cooking and Entertaining

A long, lazy Sunday brunch for two or more people is an occasion to remember. The atmosphere should be languid, relaxing, and easy as opposed to, say, the brittle, cheerful glitter of a cocktail party.

If you are having drinks - and they are a nice treat - try one of the suggestions on the following pages. Martinis and scotch-on-the-rocks are simply too brutal a way of beginning the day. If you're not having anything alcoholic, then just serve an assortment of fruit juices served from pretty pitchers and poured over tall glasses filled with ice.

Investigate your bakery for small Danish pastries, brioches, croissants, or other breakfast rolls. Or try frozen rolls or brown and serve rolls from the supermarket. Many of them are really excellent.

Plan to have plenty of coffee - figure on two cups per person at least.

A word of warning: if your male guests are football buffs, and if your brunch occurs on a Sunday during the football season, make your plans accordingly. If you don't have a TV set, you may have to forget the whole idea of a brunch party until after New Year's. If you do, plan to finish the meal at least 15 minutes before kickoff. No true fan will miss a moment of the thrilling action once the game starts. I have heard of girls who tried to entice their men away from the game to serve food and get nothing but snarls and black looks.

[wait for real? snarls and the look of death? jeez louise!]

Drinks: Bullshot
1 can beef bouillon
1 soup can water

Dilute the canned bouillon with water. For each person, fill a "rocks" glass with ice, add 1 jigger vodka and fill with bouillon. garnish with a thin slice of lemon if desired.

[one word: gross!]


Robin said...

Ewww can't we skip the beef bouillon and just do the vodka? Hope your Saturday night was entertaining!

Anonymous said...

This stuff is priceless!

💾 said...

Okay I'm really freaked out by the Bullshot, for realz. And when I was a temp server we had these weird bloody mary shots with raw oysters in them. EW.