
topless in the pool

So, Kay and Ash, and Dana and I all went out to the Melting Pot for to dine upon the novelty and seduction that is melted cheese and smooth, liquid chocolate. Afterward we retired to Dana's apartment where we donned water-appropriate gear and skipped off to the pool. Kay, being her nudist self, was the first to off her tops, I the second. It took a dare and gambling to finally pursuade Ash to take off her white undershirt, and man alive. Let me tell you something about how much I love breasts. Man. Ash has some seriously fantastic ones. Tender palmfuls, they are the perfect smallish size.

"If I let you touch mine, can I touch yours?"

Gah. So great. I was topless the rest of the night. Why wear clothes when you're among friends? Why.

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