

May I introduce to you, Tex.

I got home from the airport two hours after she was supposed to go to work. In those two hours, we figured out how to put it in the harness, how to tighten the straps, how to position ourselves. Gently, sweetly, I am wondering why on earth we didn't try this before. I'm hooked. It's going to take some getting used to. I can't handle it on a regular basis, but damn. Two words: butch cock. And she finally has something physical to locate it. I'm totally freakin pleased, and I imagine I will be for a long time. Damn good lovin' right here.



Anonymous said...

We have the Tex too and we love it! I couldn't stop touching it the first week we got it, I love the texture. Have fun!

DnWormer said...

That appears to be a purchase that will pay for itself in non time at all.