
Sunday Single Girl's Guide to Entertaining 5

Roast Meats
Roasts should begin with repertoire. They are easy, impressive and sure to please any man. Any roast (with the exception of ham and pork) profits from the addition of arlic, salt and pepper, plus a bit of additional seasoning proper to the type of meat. You should allow one pound of meat per person.

Roast Veal
4-5 lb boneless veal roast
2 coves garlic
salt, pepper, thyme
melted butter
dry vermouth

Sprinkle the roast with salt, pepper and thyme. Lay the bacon strips neatly over the top of the roast so that all the meat is covered. Cut the cloves of garlic in half and toss them in the pan. roast at 325 degrees for about 2 hours or until the meat thermometer registers 160 degrees. Baste frequently with melted butter and vermouth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn, i'm hungry now!