
define: over the top

How would you wear this gem of a shirt, designed by Date Dyke's very own Cuban Genius?

I know some of you guys think it's a funny term, but I think what I had in mind when I said I felt like a "butch whisperer" was that I feel like my heart sees sadness and calls out to butch hearts - "come here, my sweet! come nestle your face to my bosom and let all your tension melt away, breathe deep cleansing breaths that feed your mind and spirit. come and cry on me and let it all out - all the gender troubles, all the bad memories of immature and manipulative femme ex/girlfriends, and all the various disheartening circumstances of life!" I want to play a part in the healing process of other people.

I know I can't heal everybody, or everything. But what if I can heal a little something, and what if I can do it with sex (something that basically everyone already needs a little healing for)? I think that would be fabulous. So.

Dear the Universe:
I desire to be good at sex - not only for the carnal gratification, though. I wish to be good at using sex for healing people. I welcome the crying and the learning. Teach me to see use sex as a magnifying glass into people's hearts. Teach me to love them gently and fearlessly so that the healing will be "stick."
Love, Miss Avarice

1 comment:

Essin' Em said...

apparently I can't read datedyke's site...I guess I never tried before.

And being good at sex is a lot less about experience, and is a lot more about communication, and confidence. I know before J was the first female bodied person I ever went down on, ever fucked, ever ______ (many firsts). And he said we had the best and hottest sex he'd had in his life (and he's been with quite a few people...).

It was because I talked to him, expressed my fears, asked him what he liked, told him what I wanted, experimented, researched, read things, tried new things, and went into it with confidence.

Are you coming with me to Dinah shore? We'll get you good at sex :)