
by the way, i have...


Anonymous said...

Smart girl! Thongs are so important.

I hate walking down the halls of my higer-er educational institution seeing panty lines and, worse, the bulges caused by ill-fitting bras. *shudder*

Ms. Avarice said...

I don't tend toward thong underwear. It irritates me. But I did get a pair that are much softer than these, I may actually where them out. These are just for show ;)

Ms. Avarice said...

I can't believe I misspelled "wear". I guess it was 4 a.m. and I was about to pass out. Ill-fitting bras are both uncomfortable and unfashionable. But panty lines? It makes me happy that women can wear comfortable panties and not be ashamed of it. <3 <3 In reference to my ass on the internet... there will be more. If I could ever make friends with someone who would photograph me nude, I would never put clothes on again :)

Vol de Nuit said...

Comfy underwear is great, and I assert that properly-fitting thongs ARE comfortable. Moreover, not all non-thongs are comfortable.

Under ordinary pants/jeans, the outline of underwear is generally imperceptible. I feel that suitpants (?) and other thinner types of pants require thongs to avoid the dreaded pantylines.

I hate to see a great ass marred by the outline of the girl's drawers. But by means love your pantylines, Alia. We differ. :)